Hey there my lovely readers,
I'm sorry I haven't updated you guys in a while. I have been extremely busy. First, I wanted to tell you guys about what I couldn't tell you guys about before. I went home to surprise my sister and my parents for her birthday, my dad's birthday and mother's day. It was an amazing mini vacation and I intend to write a post about everything I did while I was home. I am so excited to write it, but I want to have time to write it since it might be a little lengthy, but I hope you guys enjoy reading about it as much as I enjoyed it.
Anyways, back to that later. Quick update. It's been two weeks since I last wrote and I apologize. I wish I could write every day. Maybe once I am done with my class I'll get to write more. It is so sad things are going to start getting kind of crazy around here. First, all of my fellow cps are all leaving and it makes me so sad. Zach and Jasmine already had their last official day in their parking lot and even though they will pick up shifts it won't be the same. John leaves this upcoming week, Wednesday is his last day. Then next week Nicole leaves. The week after that the rest of them leave. I know I am going to cry and it makes me so sad. I will miss them. They are like my little family and things won't be the same. Regardless, they will have a special place in my heart always. Hopefully I make new friends with the fall advantage people. Also, though I am not leaving yet, it is quickly approaching in 81 days it will be my time to go. It's not that I am counting because I don't want it to end. There is still so much that I want to do and I am going to miss everyone so much. Specially my roommates and Joel of course, but my parking family as well. I haven't told you guys that starting tomorrow I am getting a new roommate any day now. Hopefully she is nice and we get along well. So my loves are leaving and new people are coming in, in the midst of Star Wars Weekends which will be a crazy time for us at Studios. I am a little nervous, but hopefully all will go well. I am happy that even though I got scheduled 14 and half hours on Saturday the second weekend isn't so bad even though I don't know what I will work on Sunday. I will definitely let you guys know how Star Wars Weekends go. There are four of them starting this upcoming weekend.
When it comes to school work, my Sociology class ends on Saturday and I am still quite behind so I have to work extremely hard this week. Wish me luck. On another note, on Tuesday I start my Disney class and I am pretty excited. I think it will be a unique experience. Hopefully after I'm done with Sociology I won't be so stressed out.
There are so many things I wanna do in the almost three months I have left. I mean I am happy to get to go home, but leaving here will be very hard. I can honestly say Disney changed my life. My post Disney depression will be brutal and I will cry and shed so many tears, but it is not that time yet so let's focus on enjoying the next few months.
This post was supposed to be a quick update, but I miss writing so much I kind of got carried away. I do have to get ready for work in a few minutes though so I do have to wrap it up for now. My next post will hopefully be about my mini vacation.
Random note. They just came to clean my apartment and it was surprisingly nice though awkward at first.
I wanted to leave you guys with a random note. I don't know if any of you have watched the movie or read the book Julie and Julia, but I just finished watching it and it kind of gave me an inspiration that might just become a goal. I want to blog to you guys about something so passionately and make sure I do it everyday. I have yet to decide what that will be, but I think once all this craziness is over, I will begin. I think I want to use her idea of making it a year and of course blogging about it, but definitely not about cooking because one that would not be original, second that's not really my thing and third I wouldn't really have the time to do that. I'll keep you guys updated on this.
Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers out there. Much love and appreciation for you guys. :)
Have a magical day!