Hey there lovely readers,
I know it's been a while since I have written anything. I all of a sudden I got extremely busy. I am not sure if anyone actually read this so I write this more for me because I love to write. Anyways I thought I would make this post about a little about my role and updates of what has been going on here in the last two months. Can you believe it's been two months already?? Hope you enjoy reading it.
Okay, so I am not sure if I mentioned this before, but I am a parking attendant at Disney's Hollywood Studios. To be honest when I arrived and finally was given my official role I was not ecstatic. I mean I was so happy to be here and knew I would make the most of it, but it was definitely not my first choice. For five days I was just so nervous of what was to come. Sunday of the week I checked in I began training. I had a really awesome trainer Tyler. It made me more comfortable to have a trainer who is near my age. He was a really good trainer so that definitely helped ease the nerves. By the third day of training I was actually starting to like the job and was even glad I got put there, but I was also very tired. On the fourth day I had my assessment by George. He was great and made me feel comfortable and helped ease my nerves. Now two months later I can tell you guys that I really do enjoy my job. What is my job you are probably thinking. Well we have roughly about eight positions within parking. They are auto 9, auto 7, auto 6, fielder, tram loader, audience control, tram driver and tram spieler. There are other temporary positions, but those aren't taught to you during training so we won't talk about those. Auto 9 is always at the stage parking lot the parking lot closest to the park after the medical lot and they direct people to the medical lot, AAA diamond parking, buses to the charter lot, and guest drop off and pick up as well as taxis. In all honesty this is my least favorite position. Auto 7 directs traffic to whatever parking lot we are parking. Auto 6 is the point position who directs traffic down whatever row we are parking. A fielder directs the cars where to park. Tram loader does what the name implies help guest board the tram and make sure they are following our safety guidelines. Audience control basically makes sure people don't cross active roadways to try to board the tram. This position can be quite overwhelming at times. Then there's the tram. I love being on a tram most of the time. Either you're driving the tram which has it's ups and downs. The positive is, that is the only position that lets you sit down, but gives you basically no guest interaction. The spieler on the back of the tram lets the guest know our safety guidelines and important park information. So there you have it an overview of the roles within Hollywood Studios parking. As I said before I do enjoy my job, sometimes it's overwhelming and tiring and you just want to quit, but it's also very rewarding. Yes magic can even occur outside the park, but it's not always so magical in all truthfulness. The thing that makes it all worth it is the people I work with. My co-workers and the friends i've made make it magical every day even on a bad day. We are like a little family. I know I have made friends for a lifetime. If you have any questions about my role just comment and I will answer them.
Now to a quick update on the last two months. I feel like I can write a book about my experiences here && it's only been two months and I haven't even done much yet. This will be a short version and I will definitely write a more descriptive update later. Well January it went by very fast you can say. I mean days here feel like weeks, but in a good way. I flew down, moved in, had traditions, orientation, training, assessment, then worked for the rest of the month. I did go to Magic Kingdom with my roommates the first week and to Downtown Disney. I met this guy that goes to UW Milwaukee and is here on an extension of his program. I have met tons of people from all over it's like a dream come true. February definitely flew by. I continued to work tons. I have gotten really close to my friend Joel. He's pretty amazing and I'm glad we're friends. Thanks to him, I got to see the real Orlando. We went to Epcot once and it was so fun and I didn't even ride Soarin', my favorite attraction at Disney by the way. If i'm not working, I'm with my amazing roommates which I will talk about next, with Joel or home. I haven't done too much, but i'm trying to change that, but I'm always tired. I did go to Hollywood Studios by myself once and saw Disney Pixar Pals Countdown to Fun parade ( which I heard they're taking away. ): ). I got to be an audience member at American Idol and rode my favorite attraction at Hollywood which is the Great Movie Ride. It was fun, but then it started pouring so I left. So, about Theresa, Jordan and Laura. They are all pretty great. I am really close to Theresa and Jordan though. They are amazing and I am so glad we live together. My experience here would be much different without them. I know they will be a big part of my life for the rest of my life. I still have to go to Animal Kingdom, hopefully i go soon. On the other hand, I have gone to the Florida Mall, Millennia Mall and the Prime Outlets and they are all pretty great. There will be more to come.
I took forever to post this and I'm sorry. I am mad at myself for not keeping up. I need to try harder. Hopefully I will update this as often as possible. Well I am finishing this up on my way to work on my phone so I guess I'll end it here, but I will write soon.
I will post pictures on my next post.
Have a magical Saturday! :)
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